I have long held the belief that sexual abuse, particularly child sexual abuse, is so prevalent because perpetrators get away with it. The secrecy around child sexual abuse is as endemic as the abuse itself.
I wonder …what would be the outcome…if we all agree …to make a stand …at the same time and
shout out loud their names from our rooftops.
Most of the clients I see, and particularly the men, have never told anyone. Why is this?
Often it is guilt… believing that they are somehow responsible for what happened to them.
It is probably the most helpful part of the therapy, understanding that it is never the child’s fault.
When we look at a young child playing, it is easily understood about other children, but rarely the client themselves.
International Conference for the Recovery from Childhood Trauma and Mental Illness
Mercure Koonindah Waters Resort, Central Coast
14 – 15 October 2013
With an outstanding list of national and international keynote presenters, this conference will bring together health professionals, including professionals who themselves are survivors of childhood trauma, to discuss and share their knowledge in how best to treat and support clients who are survivors of childhood trauma so they can begin to recover from their mental illness.
To express interest in attending the conference (early bird registration ends on 2 September 2013) or to submit an abstract (closing date 5 July 2013) please visit the conference website http://astmanagement.com.au/heal4life
Enquiries: Cathryn Gertzos – Conference Secretariat
Email: healforlife@astmanagement.com.au
Phone: 07 5502 2068
Visit conference facebook page