In case you’ve suffered from an accident that wasn’t your fault, you sustained injuries from a violent crime or you happen to contract a serious disease, then there are sufficient grounds to file compensation claims under such circumstances. It will include the possibility of regaining lost earnings and reducing the likelihood that the same misfortune will happen to someone else. Different people file compensation claims for different reasons, it can be for the money, but in most instances it is all about the loss, pain and suffering.
If you suffered an injury due to an accident at home, at work, in your vehicle or you can prove that you were not at fault, you have the right to make a compensation claim. In such scenarios, the compensation claim will cover the pain and suffering you went through. Compensation claims can also be made for any losses or expenses incurred as a result of the injury or disease. It is important to note that personal injury compensation claims will require you to prove that the injury you sustained was caused by the neglect of another individual like your employer, another driver or a doctor in the case of compensation claims involving medical malpractice or negligence.
As for injuries at work that are eligible for a compensation claim, they typically include injuries caused by lack of safety measures from the employer or inadequate training for a particular job. Injuries resulting from defective or poorly maintained equipments also qualify for compensation claims. You can also make a personal injury compensation claim in case you develop a disease after being exposed to toxic substances in your workplace. Other injuries pertinent to compensation claims include those incurred during sporting events, travel, holiday vacations or accidents that happen while using public transport.
Bullying in the workplace that is not properly addressed by management also can become a workers compensation matter.
With regard to injuries resulting from criminal offences, compensation claims will be considered by the relevant authorities and the incident must be brought to their attention within a specified period. Compensation is also given when the victim succumbs to injury and the family members can prove that they were financial dependents. The amount paid against any compensation claim will depend on the assessment which assigns varying compensation amounts to various types of injury.
Mary Jane is an authorised approved work cover therapist, why don’t you give her a ring.